On Thursday, January 24th, I had the honor of reading as part of the Poetry Flash reading series at Moe’s Books to celebrate the publication of “Fire & Rain: Ecopoetry of California”, an anthology published at the end of 2018 by Scarlet Tanager Books. The anthology includes poetry legends like Gary Snyder, Brenda Hillman, Camille T. Dungy, Jane Hirshfield, Dana Gioia etc… as well as poems from many lesser known writers from around California, including my poem “Scavengers”. For the reading, I had the good fortune to read alongside Bay Area poets Tiffany Higgins, Jeanne Wagner, and Lucille Lang Day, who is also one of the editors of the anthology. I have great respect and admiration for Joyce Jenkins and Richard Silberg, who have run the Poetry Flash reading series since 1986, and are two of the kindest, most encouraging people I have met in the poetry community.